Financial Strategies For Your Unique Situation

Confident InvestHER Academy: A Pathway To Financial Freedom for Business Women

Confident InvestHER Academy is the only financial literacy program created by a financial advisor + business attorney duo that teaches business women how to build wealth... without waiting until you’re 65 or saying “no” to vacations, Starbucks and fun money

Does this sound familiar?

You're currently running your successful business but know you should be saving for the future, and you have extra cash at the end of the month, but investing anywhere but back into your business feels really scary and confusing.

Or maybe you've done some investing and lost money, so now you want to put your extra cash to work for you but you're afraid of the risk; or it's always been something your spouse, parents, or advisor does for you...and yet you find yourself longing for more financial security.

And despite all your hard work, you look at your financial future and it is full of many more days of work, or perhaps it looks very uncertain, like a house of cards that could fall at any minute.

… If so, then keep reading, because I’ve got a secret for you.

The Problem Isn't You.

48% of small business owners worry they can't afford retirement.

But you love your business, and truthfully, the traditional "retirement" plan was never meant for business owners anyway!

What you NEED is financial security & independence.

AND I have good news, lovely: the pathway to true financial freedom is easier than you think.

Imagine if your life could look like this...

  • Go from trading time for dollars just to make a having all your basic needs met with monthly income from your investments

  • Spend your days traveling, being fully present for your kids, building precious memories and experiencing life

  • Give back to your community, open a charity, do mission work and support causes you believe in

  • Build wealth in an ethical way that provides a living to others and exchanges abundantly with the world around you

  • Have all the time you need for deep self-care, spiritual healing, and your mental health

Introducing... Confident InvestHER Academy

Your Pathway From Hustler... to InvestHER.

I want to show you how to ditch the time-for-money business model and learn smart ways to invest your extra cash to build passive income in today's economy... so you can have investments that cover your monthly expenses.


Hey! I'm Sarah Nicole Nadler

Call me crazy...but I believe Americans deserve more than to struggle financially, living paycheck to paycheck, and working 40+ hour weeks just to earn a living.

I never invested a dollar until I was 30, because I was taught growing up that the stock market was "evil" and the way to get ahead was to pour your blood, sweat & tears into your work.

Luckily, a friend sat me down one day and cared enough to explain how investing and passive income really works. Less than a year later, I was earning $1,100/month in passive income and I became passionate about sharing what I had learned with other women like me.

I did all of this without giving up vacations and my spending money, or investing in risky 'get rich quick' schemes. Instead, I used my extra cash to purchase assets that pay me passively every month (instead of volatile investments like stocks, or slow-growth assets like bonds) and I've used what I learned to build multiple streams of passive income.

I'm excited to share my roadmap with you inside Confident InvestHER Academy, so you can create the kind of freedom, income and impact you've been dreaming of... and escape the worker bee lifestyle.

See you inside,

Sarah Nicole Nadler


Hey! I'm Destiny Bounds

In the early 2010’s, I was a first-year associate (lawyer) at a medium-sized law firm in Kansas City. I was working 70-80 hours a week and traveling every other week.

Hustle culture is prevalent in law firms, as it is everywhere else, and was a very real part of my everyday life…

And then it came.

The first real demeaning comment of my career. The one that made me realize I needed to forge my own path, and not one built on the daily grind or “billable hours”. The moment that drove home the truth that I was meant for something more.

During my first performance review at the firm, a partner said, “Ya know, your billing [amount of hours I was working] looks great. You're on track for hitting 2000 hours. That's great at this point. Ya know, you really are just doing well for a first-year female associate.”

The sexism of corporate America isn’t the point here. That was just the icing on the cake.

Our self-worth should not be tied to how many hours we work. When a woman is glamorized by society because she can put in the “most” hours of billable time, or because she stayed at the office the longest, we have lost sight of something vital in how we measure the wealth of a human being.

So when Sarah approached me with the idea of partnering to create a financial literacy program for business women so they can no longer have to be trapped by hustle culture... I was all in!

I'm now celebrating my 1-year anniversary as proud owner of my own law firm... and also celebrating the multiple passive income streams I've built using what we teach inside this program. I wish you the same.

Destiny Bounds

I've been complacent believing that my lifestyle was the average American lifestyle—struggling. And that there was only one basic option—burning myself out further by working 80 hours a week so I would have enough money, and then 'everything would be okay'. Now I understand that even after you have enough money, it's about what you do with it. The course took me from feeling stuck in the pains of the past and present... to seeing that it is actually possible to create a financially smart and stable future.

Genevieve B.

Here's What You'll Learn Inside Confident InvestHER Academy...

Become A Confident InvestHER + Master Your Own "Queen Bee" Money Mindset

Discovered The Most Common Risks + Mistakes That New InvestHers Make AND How To Avoid Them

Master Investing Skills With Easy-To-Understand Concepts To Set The Foundation For Long-Term Financial Success

“I wish I'd found a course like this years ago!"

Confident InvestHER Academy is for everyone. Sarah and her team meet you where you are on your financial journey and work with you every step of the way. From how to budget, protect your wealth, and making your money make money!

Christina H.

“I can finally organize my finances in a way that is reducing my anxiety.”

I really liked the ideas for passive income because Sarah made them feel accessible. Too often, financial advisors seem to only address people who are already wealthy or otherwise have a leg up! This program made financial freedom feel attainable.

Tanya P.

Never Feel Trapped Trading Time for Money Again!

Your Pathway From Hustler... to InvestHER.

The Complete Confident InvestHER Academy Online Course

Escape scarcity mindset, find funding you can use to invest with, learn how to legally protect your wealth, and access step-by-step instructions on how build an investment portfolio that pays your monthly expenses.

$2997 Value

Your Comprehensive Legal Protection Roadmap

by Attorney Destiny Bounds

Your pathway to financial freedom is full of legal pitfalls that can cause you to lose money. Get the legal literacy you need to avoid that with these 7 bonus training videos by attorney & business expert Destiny Bounds.

$1997 Value

Custom App + Chat Support 7 Days A Week

Every journey needs a guide. Download the app to get direct access to our team of money coaches! Ask questions and get them answered in real time, access the course from your phone, and get the support and feedback you need to achieve success.

$997 Value

PLUS These Amazing Bonuses:

Bonus #1

Weekly Coaching Calls To Help You Secure Funding, Learn To Negotiate Deals, Ask Investing Questions & More!

You don't have to do this alone. Inside our private app, the Confident InvestHER Academy Community is a girl gang of InvestHERs ready to collaborate, connect, support & celebrate your success!

$997 Value

Bonus #2

Work With Your Own Personal Money Coach

Inside the program, you'll be assigned to one of our licensed financial advisors or experienced money coach to ensure you get the success you're looking for.

$997 Value

Bonus #3

Strategic 1:1 Sessions with Sarah

Get 1-on-1 consultations with Sarah at strategic points inside the program, to map out your complete Financial Disaster Plan, help you secure funding, and fully plan out your pathway to your 1st passive income stream.

$2997 Value


Your's Today For Just $1,497


Pay in Full

(one payment)



Pay Monthly

(12 monthly payments)


Confident InvestHER Academy Is Perfect For You If...

  • You want to start investing, but are turned off by traditional methods that either feel too risky, or too slow. You want a modern take on investing that's aligned with today's economic climate.

  • You don't mind hard work, but you want to feel like that work is actually moving you closer to financial security. You feel there's got to be more to life that just working 40 hours a week.

  • You don't want to invest for 40 years before you can start reaping the rewards of your money & effort. You're looking for strategies that can start paying off quickly while also setting you up for retirement.

  • Investing scares the heck out of you! You don't want to gamble your hard-earned money... and wish you had a roadmap to follow that's proven to actually work.

Access Confident InvestHER Academy Today and See for Yourself With 100% ROI Guarantee

If you implement the steps in this training and do not earn back in passive income what you invested in the program within 12 months of working with us, we will continue coaching at no cost until you do.

That's how confident I am that Confident InvestHER Academy will help you earn passive income and stop trading time for money so you can become financially free.

100% ROI Guarantee.

What You Get When You Enroll Today:

The Complete Confident InvestHER Academy Program with 6 Core Training Modules - $2997 Value

Your Comprehensive Legal Protection Roadmap by Attorney Destiny Bounds - $1997 Value

Direct Access To Sarah Through Her Custom App - $997 Value

Bonus #1: 12 Months of Unlimited Chat Support Inside Our Fierce Feminine Finance Custom App - $997 Value

Bonus #2: 12 Months of WEEKLY Live Q&As With Sarah - $997 Value

Bonus #3: Strategic 1:1 Coaching with Sarah & Our Team of Licensed Financial Advisors & Certified Money Coaches - $2,997 Value


Your's Today For Just $1,497

You've Got Options To Help You Get Started Today

Choose Which Plan Works Best For You, So You Can Master Your Queen Bee Money Mindset!


Pay in Full

(one payment)



Pay Monthly

(12 monthly payments)


You've got Questions

I've got answers!

When does the program start?

Confident InvestHER Academy is a self paced program you can start IMMEDIATELY as soon as you enroll! You'll get immediate access to your personalized coach or advisor, then maintain 12 months of coaching & community support through the app.

What happens if I take longer than usual to finish the course?

Don’t worry, you’ll have access to the course portal for a full year after signing up and you can re-watch each virtual lesson as many times as you like within that time. However you space it out, I highly recommend you cover every session.

I’ve already started investing and have a portfolio of assets, will this course still be helpful?

Absolutely. Sadly, in my experience most InvestHERs skip vital legal and financial steps and jump straight into the deep end before they are ready. Even if you already have an established investment strategy, I can give you the skills you’re missing to protect the wealth you have built.

Is this for beginners? I'm a total investing newbie!

OMG, yes!! When Sarah started her personal passive income journey she had no assets, loads of debt and no clue where to start! Thanks to strategies we teach inside the program, she grew her personal passive income portfolio to $1,100/month in less than 12 months.

I really want to do this, but I just have a lot on my plate right now.

We hear ya! Confident InvestHER Academy is a complete A-Z system for creating consistent passive income on autopilot. While the strategies we teach do require an initial investment of time and/or money to get started, once you have them fully set up you can make money while you sleep! We know how hard it can be to squeeze in the lessons, but remember: the longer you wait the more extra cash you will need to invest to get the same results as someone who started earlier.

Will you advise me on where I should invest my money?

Although Sarah is a licensed financial advisor, financial advice is only rendered when we know the specifics of your situation and give personal advice based upon those specific facts. For the purposes of this program she is acting as a money coach and the lessons and weekly Q&As are not financial advice but purely for educational purposes only. Inside the course you will be given the opportunity to work with Sarah or a member of our team to get specific advice regarding your situation but that is limited to the 1-on-1 consultations.

Will this course give me legal advice since an attorney created some of the lessons?

Although Destiny Bounds is a licensed attorney in numerous states and federally, legal advice is only rendered when she knows the specifics of your situation and gives personal advice based upon those specific facts.  These lessons, although full of great legal knowledge that will give you a strong legal foundation and the ability to maximize your passive income, are meant to be just educational information for the general masses.  If you have any questions pertaining to the legal lessons or your specific legal situation, you are always encouraged to seek your own local attorney for specific advice.

Have a question that wasn't answered above?

Send us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.


You Deserve to Feel Confident About Your Financial Future.

Every day we talk to powerful, ambitious women who are behind on retirement, and yet scared to invest.

We get it: with volatile stock markets, and slow growth assets you won't see a return on until you're 80... investing your hard earned money can feel like a gamble at best, and a lost-cause at worst.

That's why we're so excited to show you our roadmap for taking extra cash and turning it into passive income streams that start paying you TODAY... not 40 years from now.

When you pair our roadmap with the coaching & support inside Confident InvestHER Academy, you're not just enrolling in a program. You're taking control of your financial future.

And we won't let you fail.

We can't wait to lock arms with you inside! Let's do this!

Sarah + Destiny

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