Master Day Trading + Leverage The Power of Web 3.0 In Your Investment Portfolio

Have you been wanting to try day trading, but not really sure where to start?

I am joining forces with Chris Dunlap: the investment expert who taught ME day tradining inside his online program, Stick Talk.

Does This Sound Familiar?

It was 2018 and I had just launched my first online coaching business. I quickly scaled to $10k months in just seven months... but it was a hustle and grind.

After months of running a business I loved, I realized I was 30 years old with ZERO savings, no retirement plans, and no Plan B. In other words, I was going to work until the day I died if I didn't change something.

Because I had some discretionary income (extra cash), I started learning all I could about investing and how to make my money make money.

Soon I had an Emergency Fund, life insurance, an estate plan and an IRA where I was stashing cash every single month.

… but that's not the end of my story.

The Problem is...

Most business women think the only way to really retire is to build a business that is worth at least $2.5M and then sell it...

BUT - they fail to recognize that investing is SIMPLE when learned properly, and the road to financial freedom is easier than you think.

Imagine if your life could look like this...

  • Wake up daily to a bank account full of dividends that came in while you were sleeping.

  • Unplug on vacation and come home to find you made enough on your day trades to cover the cost of your trip (and then some!)

  • Buy a single stock and welcome hundreds of not thousands of dollars to your bank account... overnight!

  • Work just a few focused hours a week, because you have a system in place that works even when you don't.

  • Turn your money into a machine that works for you 24/7, so you can spend more time doing the things you love, in. the places you love, with the people you love!


Hey! I'm Sarah Nicole Nadler

Call me crazy...but I believe business owners deserve more than to struggle financially, falling deeply into debt, and working 50+ hour weeks just to earn a living.

I never knew a thing about day trading until I met Chris.

His monthly membership program StickTalk helped me understand the complicated-sounding words and ideas related to day trading.

I learned all of this without giving up my spending money, or investing in risky 'get rich quick' schemes.

I'm soooo excited for this new partnership with Chris, so YOU can create the kind of freedom, income and impact so many of his students have been able to build...and help you escape the worker bee lifestyle.

See you inside,

Sarah Nicole Nadler

BUT Wait...There's More: Because I Believe Soo Much In Chris and The Results You'll Get Inside His Program... I'm Giving Away Bonuses:

Bonus #1

Financial Bulletproofing Session with Sarah

If you've ever wanted to peek behind the curtain and see exactly what a financial advisor does to bulletproof the investments and income of a successful business woman... this is your chance!

$497 Value

Bonus #2

Free Copy of My Book "From Hustler to InvestHER"

Being a business owner doesn't have to mean hustling 24/7. Hear the story of exactly how I escaped hustle culture to live the lifestyle of my dreams on a 16-acre homestead in Kansas!

$14 Value

Bonus #3

Monthly Goal Setting Sessions To Hold You Accountable and Keep You Moving Toward Your Dreams

Add up your numbers for last month and get ready to make BIG PLANS for the upcoming one!

Inside these monthly zoom sessions we'll help you evaluate what worked, what didn't, and support you in setting bigger and bolder goals for your life & business.

$97 Value

When you add it all up, that's a total real-world value of $608 in bonuses

...available instantly when you sign up for StickTalk with Chris Dunlap!

You've got Questions

I've got answers!

When does the program start?

Enrollment for StickTalk is on a month-to-month basis, so you can enroll at any time and you'll get access to Sarah's bonuses INSTANTLY.

I really want to do this, but I just have a lot on my plate right now.

I hear ya! That's why you need to enroll ASAP! StickTalk is perfect for the busy business woman who needs a simple but effective action plan she can complete to start day trading and earning you have more time for other things.

What am I signing up for, exactly?

By entering your name and info, you are agreeing to a subscription to Chris Dunlap's monthly membership where you will get access to training and coaching on how to learn to day trade. There is no contract and you may cancel at any time.

Have a question that wasn't answered above?

Send me an email at [email protected] and I will get back to you within 24-48 hours.


You Deserve to Feel Confident About Your Financial Future.

Every day I talk to powerful, ambitious women who are behind on retirement, have zero savings, and are struggling to make ends meet (even if their business is earning high revenues).

I get it: with a volatile economy, employees who don't care as much about the business as you do, and the severe lack of financial literacy in the US today... investing your hard earned money in coaching can feel like a gamble at best, and a lost-cause at worst.

That's why I'm so excited to introduce you to Chris Dunlap and his roadmap for turning the extra cash you have into a profitable investment portfolio... so you can become financially free.

When you pair my Passive Income Pathway method with the coaching & support inside StickTalk, you're not just enrolling in a program. You're taking control of your financial future.

And I won't let you fail.

I can't wait to lock arms with you inside! Let's do this!


© 2024 Sarah Nicole Nadler LLC. All Rights Reserved.