Interview with Meghana Kamdar

Travel & Live Abroad As An American Expat with Passive Income (interview with Meghana Kamdar)

April 20, 20245 min read

“Designing your life is about redefining what success looks like for you, so you can own your time, prioritize your family, and explore your personal pursuits without compromise.” - Meghana Kamdar

Do you ever wish you could take your business online, sell your house, pack up your family... and move to another country?

Tune in to my interview with guest speaker Meghana Kamdar, an executive life coach who used her online business and real estate investing to live out her dream as an American expat living in Portugal!

Hear her story of how escaped San Francisco, California by deeply believing and having the courage to follow through on the necessary action steps to make her dream a reality.

Connect with Meghana Kamdar:

With every episode of Fierce Feminine Finance, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your business.

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This week, since we are talking about ways to earn passive income such as real estate and online businesses, I put together an Anti-Retirement Guide so you know the best ways to get started on creating financial freedom (because no one wants to wait until age 65 to enjoy life).

After going through this free PDF guide you will be able to choose a strategy that will help you become financially free using cash flowing investments that give you monthly passive income.

You can download it right away by clicking here or on the photo above 👆

My Interview with Meghana Kamdar, American Expat & InvestHER

In today's episode, I have a very special guest to share with you. Meghana is a wife, mom of three, entrepreneur, global expat, and executive life coach.

Meghana Kamdar

She supports busy parents and caregivers in creating their own uncharted life path of more freedom.

"Designing your life uncharted is about redefining what success looks like for you so you can own your time, prioritize your family, and explore your personal pursuits without compromising."

She is a second generation South Asian American, originally from the San Francisco Bay area of California, just like me! :)

In January, 2020, she and her husband packed up their three kids, left the United States and relocated to Lisbon, Portugal in pursuit of a lifelong dream, a life of more freedom.

The move was made possible by deeply believing and having the courage to follow through on the necessary action steps to make her dreams a reality. She focused on the higher vision she held for her life, her family, and her future.

Sarah: Thank you so much for coming on the show today. Thank you.

Meghana: Thank you, Sarah. Thanks for this opportunity.

Sarah: So I would love to hear a little bit more about you. It's not every day a normal American woman decides to up and move out of the country! So would you mind sharing with us a little bit, what did your life look like when you were living in San Francisco and what prompted you to make that change?

Meghana: I have to say it was within me for decades.

I feel like it was lifelong. Like it was in my heart to make a move abroad since as long as I could remember; going on study abroad and trips abroad in my younger age, and it had always lived in me, but I had a hard time really giving it life, I would say, because it always felt like the priorities of life in the United States (of living in the Bay area) were always around.

My job and career and [goal of] gaining financial success, and I think that was also pulling me in a different direction, and it took me away from that bigger dream for most of my twenties and thirties.

Sarah: Sorry to interrupt, but but I love how you touch on the fear.

Because I think a lot of us would love to be expats. A lot of us would probably love to go live somewhere else, but that fear holds us back and since this is your area of expertise, I'd love if you would share with us, how did you overcome that? I mean, you also weren't a single woman at the time, right? You had a family, you had a career. How did you overcome that?

Meghana: I think there aren't a lot of people that do this move that look like me or that have my life circumstances or responsibilities, right? Raising three kids, young kids. I really didn't have a lot of models out there. I didn't know anybody that was trying to do this kind of alternative lifestyle, living abroad with kids.

I really had to believe deeply in what I wanted for myself and to such a degree that I ignored like anything else; any other option for my life.

At a certain point, it had just become so evident in me that I had to pursue... I had to at least give it a chance.

It was more painful to stay where I was and doing the things that I feel were expected of me, that felt more mundane and routine and painful and even scary.

I would stay that like, that was it. And I used that to propel me to overcome my thoughts around, or any kind of fear of like, well, "what if", and "what if it doesn't work out" and to just go with it, go with what felt really right for us, for me, my husband.

To hear the rest of my interview with Meghana, tune in to the episode!

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Sarah Nicole Nadler

Sarah Nicole Nadler is a Money Coach for business women. She specializes in helping her clients invest in cash flowing assets, and turn their intellectual property into passive income.

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