Best Investment Strategies for Business Women

Best Investment Strategies for Business Women

October 05, 20249 min read

“Becoming financially literate starts with shifting from a 'worker bee' mentality to an InvestHER mindset.”

Too busy building your business to think about investing? You’re not alone—but it doesn’t have to be one or the other.

When I owned my wedding business in Portland, OR I had never invested a dime in my life. In fact, I had ZERO savings, investments or retirement plan… just a business I loved! 

But I knew I was going to work until the day I died if I didn’t change something. 

Today, I’m on track to retire (if I wanted to) by age 45… and I didn’t have to risk my money day trading, win the lottery or give up avocado toast to do it.

My own struggles when learning how to invest & build wealth inspired me to start this blog–so I could help other entrepreneurial women do the same.

When I talk to business women about investing, I hear a lot of questions, like: 

"I want an investing strategy to make me financially free without giving up the business I love. How?"

"I feel overwhelmed, how do I get clarity and understanding to move forward."

"I'm 57, have nothing saved, no 401(k), nothing. My biggest concern is my 4-year-old son. Is it too late to save for myself as well as leave something for my son?"

"Where do you even start with small amounts?"


So this week, on Fierce Feminine Finance, let me show you three things I did in my own investing strategy as a business woman that made a radical difference:

With every episode of Fierce Feminine Finance, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your business.

Triple Compound LIVE

This week, since we are talking about the best investment strategies for business women, I wanted to invite you to Triple Compounding LIVE so you can learn how to identify high-yield investments and get better returns in the stock market.

After going through this free 2-day training, you will have an exact step-by-step plan for investing outside your business, growing your wealth over time, and managing your own portfolio.

You can access your free ticket by clicking here or on the photo above 👆

Okay, here is a list of 3 changes I made in my investment strategy as a business woman that made a radical difference:

1.I Started Studying Money

I grew up in a middle class family but learned NOTHING about how to earn money, save it, or invest and compound my wealth.

It was taboo to talk about money at home!

And school was absolutely worthless on the subject: I learned about the literature of Ancient Greek city-states, and how to speak Latin… but ZERO financial literacy.

I couldn’t calculate interest, buy a home, or file my taxes… but I sure could explain to you why e=mc2.

Once I realized that I had bought into the “hustle culture lie”...

(You know the one I mean: that it takes “hard work” to get ahead, hustling as an entrepreneur is the only way to build wealth)

…I became obsessed with learning to budget, save, and invest. 

I read books.

Watched webinars.

Attended conferences.

Invested in stocks, real estate, ETFs… as well as coaches and courses to teach me more.

...and surrounded myself with investors and successful $7+figure entrepreneurial women. 

What I learned is that the super wealthy operate by a different money mindset than everybody else!

"Becoming financially literate starts with shifting from a 'worker bee' mentality to an InvestHER mindset."

Americans today are taught to think like a Worker Bee:

When a Worker Bee sees that something needs to be done, her FIRST thought is "how do I squeeze that onto my to-do list?"

Successful female entrepreneurs shift their mindset to that of a LeadHER Bee:

When a LeadHER Bee sees something to be done, her FIRST thought is "how do I hire/pay someone to do this?"

The super wealthy have moved past that to a whole new level of thinking!

When an InvestHER sees something to be done, her FIRST thought is: “Who has what I need, and needs what I have?” 

...because if you can answer THAT, then you can motivate someone to pay YOU for the honor and privilege of taking that task off your plate

Read that sentence again.

In 2003, J.K. Rowling was reported to have become wealthier than Queen Elizabeth II. But it wasn't through selling Harry Potter books!

Today, she earns $95 million per year from companies like Disney, Walmart...and their British equivalents: companies that pay Big Bucks for the privilege of doing work FOR her: designing costumes, wands, movies, etc., based on her creative work.

JK Rowling

Michael Jordan is the most iconic and famous basketball player of all time. He is also a self-made billionaire. But not from playing basketball. Jordan earns $256 million per year licensing his name to Nike for the honor and privilege of manufacturing shoes & other swag for him.

But you don't need to be a famous celebrity to use this strategy for passive income.

At the time of this writing, roughly half of my monthly bills are paid every month by passive income, and it is how I have been able to go from ZERO savings, retirement plans or investments at age 30, to being on track to retire by the time I'm 45.

Becoming financially literate starts with changing your mindset away from the “worker bee” mentality you’ve been indoctrinated into… and learning to think like an InvestHER. 

2.I Learned How Investing OUTSIDE My Business Is The Key To Protecting My Family & Building Lasting Wealth

Most of the time when I talk to a business woman who has little or no retirement savings, her reasoning falls into one of two categories:


1) “My business is my retirement plan,” or


2) “I never plan to retire…because I LOVE what I do!”

If you’ve read this far, it’s probably because even though you LOVE what you do, there is something about the way you're doing it that needs to change. 

If you’re like the many business women who come to me for help…you’re likely working too many hours and not seeing the results and impact on the world you had hoped for. 

If you could stop trading time for money and become financially free, you could increase your impact and do more of what you love.

woman enjoying the great outdoors

Both the “my business IS my retirement” and the “I never plan to retire” worldviews are symptoms of a major problem with the American retirement system, and it isn’t at all surprising that savvy business women are sensing the problem. 

We generally tend to be intuitive. 

So I’m going to challenge your worldview for a minute: what IS this thing Americans call “retirement?”

When you think of retiring, most women tend to think of age 60+, and start listing off a flood of things we always wished we could do but never seemed to get around to: travel, self-care, motivational speaking, charitable work, etc.

Isn’t what we really want to simply be “work optional”? 

So investing OUTSIDE your business does a few things for you:

  1. Potential For Higher Returns. While reinvesting profits into your business can help it grow, investing in the stock market can often yield even higher returns over time through the power of compound interest. By letting your investments grow on their own, you create a passive income stream that can surpass the returns you’d see from solely reinvesting in your business operations.

  2. Diversification. Broadening your revenue streams across different asset classes—stocks, bonds, real estate—is about protection, not just profits. This not only helps protect your business (and family) from relying on one revenue source but also gives you the chance to contribute financially to companies, brands and causes you believe in.

  3. Create a Safety Net for Cash Flow: Investments can provide business women with extra cash flow during slower seasons or unexpected downtimes. It can help you fund maternity leave, take a vacation, or travel. Generally, having a well-managed investment portfolio ensures you have access to additional funds without dipping into your business reserves.

I’ve met soo many entrepreneurial women who felt that having kids, traveling, or taking long tech-free vacations is just “not in the cards” because they owned a business.

Investing a few hundred dollars per month of your profits into investments outside your business can mean the difference between your dream lifestyle… and being stuck in “hustle culture” forever.

3. Managing My Own Portfolio Made It Possible To Triple Compound™ My Wealth

This is just another example of how business owners have unique financial needs! 

The same old advice you hear from well-meaning friends, or even financial advisors who are focused on helping 9-5ers with retirement, might not be the best advice for you. 

Sarah Nicole Nadler with a client

As women in business, managing your own portfolio is not just smart, it’s empowering. 

Most corporate girlies have a 401(k) being matched by their company, and an investment advisor they can contact through HR.

But not us! shrug

Unlike the 9-5 girls, if we want professional wealth management, we have to pay. Typical fees for managing your investment portfolio can range from 1-2%. 

That might not sound like a lot… but if you have $250k in savings, 1% of that means you’re paying $2,500/year! 

Compare that to learning how to manage your own portfolio (Triple Compounding LIVE is FREE, and my course Confident InvestHER Academy is just $1,497).

And that’s just the first year. 

Once you have the knowledge and skill to choose your own stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc., your portfolio will grow. And as it grows, you can either continue to pay 1-2% every year to somebody elseor you can reinvest those gains and keep them in your investment account where they can compound for you.

Think about it. 

By the time you have $500k in your retirement savings, you could be spending as much as $10,000 per year in fees! 

Or you can join Triple Compounding LIVE (free), or Confident InvestHER Academy (just $1,497).  

Percentage Calculator

Fees can have a significant impact on your returns over time, so it’s crucial to understand what you’re paying and why.

Learning how to manage your own portfolio will reduce the fees and make it possible for you to be in complete control of your wealth.



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Sarah Nicole Nadler

Sarah Nicole Nadler is a Money Coach for business women. She specializes in helping her clients invest in cash flowing assets, and turn their intellectual property into passive income.

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Hey lovely! I'm Sarah Nicole Nadler

Welcome to my blog on all things profitability, money mindset and investing for business women. I'm a money coach and here to guide you to total financial freedom.


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