The 50/30/20 Budget And How To Use It To Make BIG Investing Moves

The 50/30/20 Budget And How To Use It To Make BIG Investing Moves

March 18, 20242 min read

“...for those who can make it work, the 50/30/20 budgeting system allows you to make some BIG investing moves.”

Have you ever heard of a 50/30/20 budget?

Well, it's not really a “budget”… it’s more like a spending philosophy, and works great when combined with The Financial Grip System of Budgeting that we teach inside our course.


This philosophy can be used to make some pretty BIG investing moves...

So this week on Fierce Feminine Finance I'm sharing with you how the 50/30/20 budget works, and how it compares to other budgeting methods.


With every episode of Fierce Feminine Finance, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your business.

Retirement Guide

This week, since we are talking about the strategies for budgeting so you can make BIG investing moves, I put together an Ultimate Retirement Strategy Guide For Business Women so you know what to do with that investing money.

After going through this free training you will be able to choose a strategy that will help you retire early while living the lifestyle you're currently dreaming about.

You can download it right away by clicking here or on the photo above 👆

The basic philosophy of 50/30/20 is that you should use 50% of your income after taxes on living expenses…


  • Rent/Mortgage

  • Utilities

  • Groceries

  • Car

  • Healthcare

  • Etc

30% of your income on fun money…

…and save or invest 20% of what you earn.

The obvious barrier to using the 50/30/20 strategy is earning enough money to do it. But for those who can make this happen, here’s how you can use 50/30/20 to make some pretty BIG investing moves:

Let’s say you earn $75k after taxes.

  • That gives you $37,500 per year in living expenses or $3,125/month

  • Which means $22,500 per year in fun money or $1,875/month (that’s a decent amount of fun!)

  • And you’d still have $15,000 per year to put towards savings or investments, or $1,250/month

If you invested $1,250/month and earned 7% interest…you’d have:

  • Contributed $150k and earned $63k in interest for a total of $213,814…after 10 years

  • Contributed $300k and earned $334k in interest for a total of $634,420… after 20 years

  • Contributed $450k and earned $1.01M in interest for a total of $1.46M… after 30 years

Not bad ;-)

Discipline is the primary skill required to apply 50/30/20.

I’m curious: do you think you could do this?

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Sarah Nicole Nadler

Sarah Nicole Nadler is a Money Coach for business women. She specializes in helping her clients invest in cash flowing assets, and turn their intellectual property into passive income.

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